We are a boutique-style, consulting & education company focused on guiding real estate investors to design a lifestyle business with integrity-filled profits.

At Running Creek, we provide custom packages that strategically map out scaling, stabilizing, and automating your real estate business.

We enjoy long-term rentals and manage our own portfolio so ALL that we teach, our team actually does every day.

We are currently Accepting New Students for January 2024

With a coaching program through Running Creek, you will learn:

  • raising private funding acquisitions

  • choosing bank funding for refinancing properties.

  • finding off-market properties to produce cash flow.

  • implementing the best technology that accelerates managing long-term rentals on a much smoother road (we’ve tested what works and what doesn’t about a million times!) The tech we recommend is fast, easy to learn, and free or low-cost to use.

  • training tenants, contractors, and support team members for success and integrity

    We believe working together with stakeholders creates a win-win. Having tech-strong and high-trust systems in place, you will produce an increase in profits with a decrease in stress, and your stakeholders will feel supported on their life journey as well!

Hello Friends!

We are Kurt & Elizabeth (Enright) Phillips - real estate investors, homeschool parents to 6 kids, and mentors to an amazing group of investors coast-to-coast serious about creating profit with integrity in real estate.

As we work together with you (and your team if applicable), we will have a strong emphasis on curating a life that reflects your values, on your terms, at your speed, and benefits your community.

So if you’re interested in taking your business to the next level - let’s chat! We offer a free 15 min consult. If we can help - our next group coaching session begins in May 2023. If you aren’t a good fit for our program, we will refer you to other resources or coaches within our expansive national network.

Please note - we don’t have time for spam but we will make time for you! We’re happy to do a whole lot of listening and come alongside your vision.